Please look through these past case histories of patients that have had Direct Healing at my Healing Center.

  1. Recovery from advanced ovarian nasty growth - Case History 1
  2. Release of trapped twin  soul –clearance of split personality - Case History 2
  3. Recovery from intractable back problems following a severe injury after a fall from a great height - Case History 3
  4. Recovery from inoperable rectal nasty growth - Case History 4
  5. Control of blood pressure (Pre-eclampsia)  and other problems  in pregnancy - Case History 5
  6. Assistance with a peaceful death in a terminally ill patient - Case History 6
  7. Recovery from an inoperable benign, invasive and fast growing brain tumour - Case History 7
  8. Total personality  integration after the intra-uterine loss of multiple embryos - Case History 8
  9. Recovery from Crohn’s disease (Severe bowel disorder)  in a 15 year old - Case History 9
  10. Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease - Case History 10
  11. Recovery from severe congenital heart problems (Pulmonary artery valvular stenosis)  of a 14 year old - Case History 11
  12. Recovery from severe stroke - Case History 12
  13. Marked improvement in an illegible hand writing - Case History 13
  14. Recovery from massive and advanced ovarian nasty growth - Case History 14
  15. Improvement in the CD4 count of a person with  long term HIV infection - Case History 15
  16. Recovery from severe and long standing vertigo - Case History 16
  17. Healing of a cat with advanced liver nasty growth - Case History 17
  18. Effectiveness of healing in IVF fertility treatment in HIV/AIDS - Case History 18
  19. Effectiveness of healing in delusional paranoid schizophrenia - Case History 19
  20. Recovery from liver nasty growth and severe post-operative complications - Case History 20
  21. Healing of ulcerative colitis in a 12 year old - Case History 21
  22. Recovery from after effects of rape - Case History 22
  23. Recovery from after effects of sexual abuse of a  male child by an  adult  woman - Case History 23
  24. Recovery from highly malignant brain tumour - Case History 24
  25. Recovery from crippling acute disc problems of the lower back - Case History 25
  26. Curing of infertility - Case History 26
  27. Healing of a child of 5 with cerebral palsy - Case History 27
  28. Healing of eczema and  Marked improvement in educational ability - Case History 28